Cold Weather Safety Tip

Posted by kd on Jan 24th 2025

Clothing Safety Tips for Working in the Cold

Working in cold weather can expose the human body to frostbite, hypothermia and cold stress all of which are extremely dangerous and can even be deadly.  It is important to monitor the weather forecast and plan to dress appropriately before heading out to work.

  • Layer your Clothing (preferably 3 or more layers) this will provide added warmth and allow for adjustments thru out the day.  Consider a moisture whicking base layer, insulating middle layer and a waterproof/windproof outer layer.
  • Loose fitting clothing will allow for added flexability and better blood flow.
  • Protect your extremities with warm socks, cold weather head gear and insulated gloves and boots.
  • Stay Dry! Keep a backup set of clothes in case you get wet.